Over the past few months Pastor Coleman and Church Leaders have held meetings to discuss restarting church services with the congregation in house. As the Pandemic or infections are downgraded to a safer level, the church leaders will determine when it will be deemed safe to restart our church services that include worship in the sanctuary. The following is a list of things we took into consideration;
Federal and State mandates on church gatherings, which includes advice from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for COVID-19, approved State legislature, and general guidelines from the Baptist Convention.
How the church will handle social distancing for worshipers and other protective measures to cut down on and prevent the spread of the virus within our congregation.
Based on current information, when will services resume provided the virus infections and deaths decrease to the point it is presumed safe?
Informing the membership weekly from the Pulpit during current video/audio services on the status of resuming worship in the sanctuary.
It is not recommended that members who have underlining conditions as defined by the CDC, attend any live services in the church sanctuary.
Considerations in preparing the church/sanctuary to receive worshipers:
Cleaning and sanitizing the sanctuary.
Providing masks, gloves (nurses only), hand sanitizer and wipes.
Removing hymnals and Bibles from the pews.
Taking worshipers temperature before entering the church and wearing masks during the service will be mandatory. A nurse/assistant team will be set up outside the church to prepare members for service prior to entering the vestibule.
Deacons will establish a by name roster of members who plan to attend the service so we will know exactly where each member will be seated.
Place plastic trash bag over each water fountain to prevent usage. Water will be available only as necessary at the nurse’s station and is not to be taken into the sanctuary.
Limit restroom use to one person at a time. Restrooms will have occupied/vacant markers on them for privacy and napkins will be available for use in opening/closing the door.
Outer doors to the church will be labeled (Enter Only) or (Exit Only) to ensure traffic moves in one direction.
The pews will be labeled alphabetically with stencils to better identify where anyone testing positive was seated to determine who around them may have been exposed.
Any visitor attending the service will be asked for contact information in the event of someone testing positive that attended the service.
Considerations for conducting the service:
Use a stationary collection box/basket for tithes and offerings.
Reduce the size of the choirs or use pre-recorded songs from audio.
Streamlining the service/program to reduce the time of the service.
Reduce the number of worshipers by conducting dual services.
Arrange seating to (A) and (B) sides to support social distancing
Refrain from physical contact, such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands etc.
Continue Video streaming/Zoom services
Move Sunday School to Wednesday evening from 6-7 pm via Zoom. This may not be possible if Wednesday night Bible Study resumes before the church restarts services. The designated time for Sunday School will be determined when we are certain of the number of Sunday services required (NEEDS TO BE DISCUSSED).
Alter call will only be offered for extending the invitation to salvation.
Service is scheduled to resume on 11 April, provided COVID-19 infections do not increase to the point that the SC State Governor mandates the cancellation of church services again.
There will be one service held at 11 am, with no more than 110 people seated for the service.
Prior to entering the church, nurses wearing PPE will be available to take worshipers temperatures, ensure they have a mask, and or gloves if needed to include recording all information on members before entering the vestibule.
The ushers, trustees and deacons will control the seating of worshipers, using every other pew to support social distancing. From rear to front, the pews on the left will be designated as seating (A) and those on the right, seating (B).
The trustees will take tithes and offerings as members enter the sanctuary, or prior to their departure after the service, but there will be a stationary place where members can give their tithes and offerings.
At least two deacons will be available to support the service. The one assigned for duty will make church announcements, read scripture and provide the morning/offertory prayer, unless otherwise specified.
The Praise Team Director will manage the music and songs for the service. Members will not use the first 3 seats on (B) side of the church closest to the musicians.
At the end of the service, members will depart the sanctuary at the exits past the choir lofts. Exit only will be placed on the outside of those doors. Ushers, trustees and deacons will assist the custodial team with preparing the sanctuary for the next service.
Funeral Services will resume January 2022; max capacity will be 130 seats in the sanctuary and 30 in the fellowship hall.
**DISCLAIMER** Schedule of funeral services and seating capacity is subject to change based on CDC Covid19 Guidelines. For any questions, please contact one of our deacons.